Treatment For Arthritis of the Knee

Arthritic Knee Treatment

There are many treatments for arthritis knee pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs as well as non-narcotic pain reliefrs are two options. Although acetaminophen can be purchased over-the-counter, it can cause side effects and interact with other medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (also known as prescriptions) are a better option for arthritis knee pain relief.

Knee OA symptoms, in addition to arthritis, often develop slowly and then become more severe over time. You may feel pain in your knees when you move or walk, stiffness after sitting for long periods of time, and limited range motion. You may also experience creaking, grinding, or instability in your knees. You may also experience swelling of the joint, which can cause pain and inflammation.

Many of these symptoms can easily be treated at home. However, if you have new or severe symptoms, it is best to visit your doctor. If you have persistent pain in your knees, it is best to visit your healthcare provider. Subscribe to our facts-first newsletter for more information on arthritis treatment options. This newsletter includes information on health and wellness, such as joint pain and other conditions. You`ll soon be able to reduce the pain and symptoms associated with arthritis if you find the right treatment.

NSAIDs, acupuncture or other non-invasive methods can be used to treat arthritis knee pain. Although heat can reduce stiffness, discomfort, and joint swelling, cold treatments can help reduce inflammation and joint swelling. Joint stiffness and pain can be eased by using ice packs or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin. Joint pain can be relieved by capsaicin, which is a compound found in chili peppers. Once you have found the right treatment, you can return to your active lifestyle.

Another treatment option is exercise for arthritis knee pain. For the support muscles around the knee joint, strengthening exercises are essential. Although a few exercises won`t provide relief from arthritis knee pain, they can reduce stress on the joint. Physical therapists can offer assistance with exercises, assistive devices and modification activities. Talk to your doctor if you are ready to have surgery.

Although drugs may be able to relieve osteoarthritis pain, they will not cure it. To reduce inflammation and swelling, your doctor may recommend stronger anti-inflammatory medications. Although injections of hyaluronic or platelet rich plasma (PRP), may be helpful in relieving arthritis knee pain, they are not recommended for prolonged use. You can also apply topical creams that contain capsaicin and camphor as well as injections.

Platelet-rich plasma injections are one of the most effective options for arthritis treatment. This involves a small amount from your arm vein, and centrifuge it for 15 minutes. The plasma is then used to inject the knee joint with ultrasound guidance. The effects are usually noticeable within two to six weeks. Patients may also notice an immediate reduction in their pain following these injections. These results can vary between people so make sure your doctor thoroughly examines your condition before you recommend any treatment.

Your doctor may recommend cortisone injections if you are looking for non-surgical knee pain relief from arthritis. The injections may last for up to three months and you might need to repeat them as necessary. Cortisone injections can be used to treat arthritis knee pain. However, there are risks such as increased blood sugar, joint infections and damage to the cartilage. These may be the only options for you as most insurance policies will not cover hyaluronic acids injections.

High cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and overweight are all factors that can increase arthritis knee pain. Obesity can also increase osteoarthritis risk. Obese people are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. Losing weight can help reduce the risk. The pain in the knee can be caused by obesity and physical activity. Even if you aren`t overweight, exercising can help alleviate arthritis knee pain. Physical therapy can help improve strength and range motion, and allow you to return to an active lifestyle.

There are two types of osteoarthritis: severe and mild. The severity of your symptoms will determine the diagnosis. However, it is important that you seek treatment for any other symptoms. There are many options available for arthritis knee pain relief, including acupuncture, physical therapy and steroid injections. It doesn`t matter which treatment you choose, it will help to relieve the pain and improve your life quality. You can take action to manage your arthritis knee pain.

treatment for knee pain